Here's What I Got...
Although I found the song's progressions and structure spot on I felt the the voice of that guitar to be quite off at times. Not to say it doesn't sound good...It just doesn't sound to realistic i guess is the term that I am looking for. but I really liked the guitar effect that you started up at around 1:40 or so. lol, that one kid said it was a saxophone. Don't listen to that kid either, you can make general rock songs. I think it is actually better to write in multiple genres, it gives you different perspectives and ways to write and approach your music. The drums sounded pretty good, I can't really get my opinion right now though because it is like 4:15 in the morning where I am and I don't want to turn up the volume, but I listened to this earlier. I think that this title definitely suits the music and style. I would almost post this in the video game genre. Hmmm, lets see how could we make that distorted guitar sound more realistic...what did you use first of all to write the guitar? If it was fl slayer you are going to have a tough time making a realistic guitar, not to say it can't be done be it would be very hard to get a good guitar sound in there. You are probably going to want to add a little more sustain and release to make it sound better and a cut for when you have the "chicki-chicki" palm mute things. A shit load of FX helps too, the acoustic guitar doesn't sound half bad though! Nice job with that. I can hear the bass fine, another thing that vishnunamboodiripad obviously can't hear correctly. damn! I don't know if there is a pad but some pads would add a lot to this song (my volume is to low to pick up the pads if there are any, sorry.) Well, you certainly have come a long way since the first time I reviewed one of your songs. I think that your sound production needs to get better for this genre, but both of us know that when it comes to classical you pretty much have everything in the bag. great job and keep up the good work!
5/5 And I'm spent,