Hello all! Today I come to you for suggestions, comments and maybe even thoughts on some comics I have read, and have yet to read. As none of you know, I have had lots of down time with me being sick. And with this time I got some quality time to crack open some nice comic books. I started with a Vertigo comic called Y The Last Man and I have to say that I thought it was incredible. I also read through The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite which wasn't to bad itself, especialy since the lead singer of My Chemical Romance is the writer. Not stopping there either! I am now up to speed on a comic called Northlanders which is seeming to be a really really good read,..But, what I really want to know from you guys/gals are the names of some good comics I can get my hands on? Graphic Novels would be great if you can think of any, and mangas I guess will do too (but not to interested on those.) I'd like to know what YOU guys think/thought of Y and Northlanders though. I mean who doesn't like Monkeys and Vikings?
Sup Helth, long time me no see you?