After a month off of making music and NG for the most part I am back on track running some new software and sporting (what feels like) a new comp. I am about to release two songs that I just made hot off the keyboard. One is Hang em High a high energy DnB song that was a great experience, and the other is It's Midnight A trance like song with better percussion and stuff (I wouldn't call it trance.) So I hope you enjoy them, and here is my NG playlist FTW. The people in here deserve nothing but respect.
Here Are My Top Picks
- [BK] I'm Yours one of the best songs out there, and if you don't think so you are insane. listening to the quality and arrangements there are things that the untrained ear cannot even percieve.
- With Gun And Crucifix by Danman, this song blows my mind every time I hear it. I could fill this list with every danman song but i want to have some diversity. This guy will go far that is for sure. Why the HELL does this only have a 4.05!?
- Piano Echoes Mjattie your the man dude, that is one of the sickest piano progressions I have heard. keep it up and by all means feel free to dominate the world...
- Kindred by Zircon, I'm sure all of you know who this is but I am putting him up here anyway. its just really good...all over.
- Saturday Morning Funk sampled by YunVeroz, I wish every Saturday could be as funky and chill as this one.
- Coming Home by Reasoner, I think this guy is Ryan Farish in disguise. The ambiance and progressions in Reasoners songs consume me.
- Bellfucker's Lullaby, lets talk bells for a second. Bells are awesome, if you mix them together with Cycerin's song!
- The Wizard's Finale by Nubbinownz, I had a hard time just choosing one song, but I figured everyone already heard These Mistakes. This song like Nub, is pure magic in easy to swallow music form.
- Dulcinea, laid back drum and bass anyone? I thought so, well feel free to endulge in this "Think Break." Done like a pro ever since I found Peptotrippin it's like life my life just got so much simpler, there are those who can make music and those who can't, Pepto obviously can...
- Dark Tempest by IZK, my partner in crime! IZK, IZK, IZK...I just cant say it enough. This guy is going to be crazy in the upcoming future. Just don't act surprised when he is raking in the bucks and you are sitting on your couch. Oh! and be sure to check out our co-lab Beyond Twilight I may not have done all that much but it was definitely a great learning experience.
- Timeless, Frozen In Flame, Indksuyrie, and Almond Roca. Nothing wrong with a little self promotion right?
- [ 1 M 4 G 7 R G U Y ] by Kingbastard, this guy sure is king, king of compostition of sounds! The way sounds are layed out and produced in his tracks is just mind bottling, that's right I said it! MIND BOTTLING!
- Rise Of A New King by dukelukeprod, um yea...The only bad thing about this song is your pants get blown off every time! tighten up you belt for this one, or be prepared to feel the breeze!
- I Rule (Hyrule) by Reroomed, "My name is Link and I have a big dick."
- Infected Mainframes by Decepticon420, I just found this in my music reviewed and I like it a lot! Unfortunately I know nothing about the author or the song. I just know that the slow break is so good! so good that my everlasting gobstoppers dropped to the floor.
- The World by my good friend kaeo aka. Godknown, okay guys it's story time gather around. One day a long time ago in a galaxy known as my computer, I found a song. A song so powerful, so amazing that it could change the world. That song is this one, if you haven't heard it already tsk tsk, here you go, and your welcome! You are going to want to check this out too, Luna Vendo, it don't get much better than this folks!
- Sundance by TMM43, I don't listen to much trance but I have to say this song and that one song by the guy that made "runaway" are pretty imba. Anyways this song will cause severe flooding of the ear canals and mass orgasmic palpitations throughout your body so proceed with caution.
- Carte Blanche by Acren, another trance song, maybe I will but in one more on the list. But I mean c'mon progressive trance is where it's at! some dance tips from marks-a-lot: when dancing to this song you should do the "big ball/small ball" and maybe a bit of the " Chernobyl Child" just don't get to spaced out!
- I Don't Know What To Do by the famous Rig, I just stumbled across this DnB piece again and I must say it hits pretty hard. It hit me so hard that I have to schedule an appointment to the dentist's office because my mouth is all jacked up from this song.
- Space Pirates, They are everywhere...
- Finding Faith by Robot Lock, seriously, Listen to the break at 2:11 and tell me that isn't sick! sit.
- I'm A Raver by ZeRo-BaSs, *sigh I remember the days when Zero ran this site...Those were some good times! But no matter how long ago that was this song will always kick ass. That piano is THE piano, and for that I will eternally tip the hat to my hero...
- Sincere Serenity, now I know some of you might be saying, "Chris, why the hell didn't you put up "Don't Give A Damn" or one of the roses by Nemesis Theory?" And my answer is because this is oldschool Nemesis, and that my friends is how it is...
- Silver Memories (Kaburorne Remix) by Hania but remixed by Kaburorne, Everyone needs to get mushy every once and a while. So just be open to this one. I just love this song that's all there is, pure love for this song.
- Winter Sunset by cbasstn, I don't know why this never got big? it's real nice, maybe it's stolen? I hope not, because this song is so chill! The average chill listener, this is your song.
- Filtered Chaos by PXM, I don't know about this one either. This kid made this awesome song and then never made another good song. At least the last time I checked which was a long time ago so we'll see if he has gotten any better. I know there are some mastering problems but you have to admit this song is pretty sweet!
- Dance Breakz by Filter Slut and E-Lusion (E-Lusion is my cousin) has one of the sickest "think breaks" out there, and probably the best use of the think break on NG. There are some cut outs on the song because it is under copyright but its definitely worth the buy! (check out robodestructo and locked as well, KILLER STUFF)
- I Walk Away by DaGrahamCraka, ah! ladies and gentlemen without further Adieu the trance song that healed DaGrahamCraka's image in my eyes. This was that other song I was talking about earlier, I Walk Away = GG
So, much love to you guys and I hope you have fun with all the music presented to you!