1. Because Lando Calrission said it was okay, and he used to own the Millennium Falcon!
2. Because if Richard Simmons can do it, everyone else in the world can.
3. Because two Nutter Butters make a right!
4. Because it were actually "Two and A Half Men" People would watch it.
5. Because it's not a trap...IT'S A TRAP!!!
6. Because one waffle just won't cut it :'(
7. Because we all know that those Telletubies would slit our throat if we turned away.
8. Because we all know it was Mark Wahlberg on the grassy knole.
9. Because sometimes you have to kill a hooker, I'm sorry strawberry, but Kwame was the mayor!
10. Because penguins are really just waiting till we screw up, then they are going to enslave us.
11. Because we all know Dr. Brule can heal any type of sickness.
12. Because everyone has thought about punching snuggle, or kicking it.
13. Because if superman can one arm it with a bitch, you should at least be able to hoover.
14. Because the Red Wings are champions.
15. Because even Chuck Norris can't beat The Book of Impossible Sudoku.
16. Because we all know Mr Rogers had something going with Lambchop, RIP Lambchop...
17. Because Bernese had to take those low grade beaver tranquilizers, God Damn you Bernese!
18. Because the Grinch didn't steal Christmas, he only borrowed it.
19. Because 15 seconds of fame just isn't enough.
20. Because no one wants you to take off your pants, nobody!
21. Because all you have to do is a barrel roll, it's so easy, how else are you going to look awesome?
22. Because "the power of Christ compels you!" no joke Linda it really did...
23. Because it doesn't matter how fast you run, Mike Meyers will always catch you!
24. Because This is a tasty burger!® -Samuel L. Jackson-
25. Because we only wanted your hot girlfriend to come.
26. Because Kim Chee is the best in WCW/NWO Revenge for Nintendo 64.
27. Because 'E' is for pants.
28. Because life is a little old lady asking you for a 3.50, Nice try, Lochness Monster!
29. Because Mr Miyagi would make any class better.
30. Because if 2 wrongs did make a right the world would be a crazy place.
31. Because Boo Radley was a ninja, that's why no one saw him coming.
32. Because jogging in the ghetto of a Caribbean island is never a good idea.
33. Because "drugs are bad, mmkay" I'm sorry Mr Mackey but it's not working.
34. Because Mr Brown can moo can you?
35. Because there is a difference between listening and hearing.
36. Because zero bombers don't have souls.
37. Because step 1: collect underpants, step 2: , step 3: profit.
38. Because tricks are for kids you silly rabbit, you couldn't even hold a spoon anyway.
39. Because any person in the right mind would give that rabbit Trix, now that I think of it...
40. Because if you control the spice you control the universe, pass the salt please?
41. Because heat induces royalty, therefore the toast is king.
42. Because it's 29 two for 50!
43. Because I don't poop in my pants, I poop in my diapers silly!
44. Because Lucy lifted the ball again like the little hoe!
45. Because banana bread is the best kind of bread there is.
46. Because this shit is bananas B-A-N... wait wtf am I saying!?
48. Do you want to fight!?
49. Because I'll fight you!
50. Because you can never have to many excuses.
almond roca FTW!
I have to agree.